is it worth refinancing?

The quick test.

We all know that refinancing a loan can lead to a better rate, product, lender and save you some money BUT how do you know if it's worth going through all the hoops, not to mention the time and sometimes frustration that can result in changing lenders. So to help you decide if it really is worth the investment of your time we have set up this quick refinance page. While this is not the "holy grail" in determining the exact benefits for you for an investment of 2-3 minutes we will at least give you an idea of what might be available for you. If it's a saving of $10 a month then you will be happy that it only took a couple of minutes and you will have some piece of mind knowing that everything is on track, however if we can show you savings of a couple of hundred dollars per month (if not more) then you might decide that it's worthwhile exploring you options a little further. Answer the quick questions below and we will come back to you. There is no obligation and this service is free.


About You

Your First Name Your Surname
Your Mobile Number Your Email

About Your Loan

Loan Balance $ Interest Rate %
Time Left (Years) Monthly Payment $
Property Type? Property Value $

please note

The information you submit is encrypted. We will not sell, share or transfer your information to anyone. We will use your contact details to present our findings and we may even follow you up occasionsly. For further information view our privacy policy.